While getting some basil for my pesto the other day in Santis, something clicked! The solution for my binder alternative: Cottage Cheese.

It is even low fat! Lucky me! A tablespoon is like 20-30 calories only :D

Am not sure if you can see it, but it has a creamy consistency with little lumps of the cheese. It is perfect for my alternative binder. With that in my hand, I made an egg salad canape! Yum!

It was really easy to make. Just make a simple egg salad, combine hardboiled egg and cottage cheese, season it with salt and pepper, something like this.

Then assemble it! Toast on the bottom, greens on top of it. Canapes are supposed to be small appetizers. They must be eaten easily and it must look appetizing with good flavor and texture.
I like the flavor profile. The cottage cheese paired really well with the egg. It also binded the egg salad really well. For me, it just lacked color. I added some pepper flakes for the color but it seems that it wasn't enough. Oh well, it was still good :D

low calorie great.. how about cholesterol? will this work with tuna salad too?
Yep, low in cholesterol and yes, it works for tuna salad. The purpose of that product for my use is to bind. Like most mayo, its purpose is to bind the filling of the sandwhich. Try it :D
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