Here in the Philippines, like all tropical countries, fruit is abundant both in quantity and quality. Normally, we just eat the fruit as is. We just peel the banana and eat it or slice the mango and eat it. However, one can transcend these fruits into something else just by cutting and plating it in a different manner. Guess what, I transcended some of them yesterday bwahaha!
Here is the bird'e eye view

Here is the side view

If it looks good, it will make the food taste a better :D
Here are the following ingredients I used for that platter
I diced the mangoes, sauteed it with butter and flambeyed *is it the right spelling?* with some dark rum
Just Sliced it. I used the breed Latundan for it since we like the flavor that it insinuates.
Just Sliced it. I used fuji for the texture.
Lastly, I topped it with some creme fraiche. I forgot the term of the technique I used for that, is it canel? or chanel? :D
Presentation was gorgeous. The only thing that is great about its flavor here are the diced mangoes. The rum gave it a strong flavor and the butter gave it a richer flavor. The creme fraiche also balanced the strong flavor of the rum on the mangoes so it was actually ok. The only thing that I would improve here might be adding more color, maybe some strawberries or kiwis? :D
wow! you really have artistic hands :D you made the food look yummier...
Thanks sheena ;) as stated in my blog, food that is nice can become yummier lolz ;)
I luv ur blog. Can't w8 for ur nxt entry. Post NOW plx! Ur tongue must b so full! Huhuhu!
what a lovely...
i like it..look tasty eventhough it is normal thing we eat everyday..
Thanks D'lla :D
u r welcome..
what make u artistic?
do u learn cooking at culinary college?
i better try one..hehe..
hello D'lla! I just read lots of books and lots of shows. Nope! I didn't go to culinary school, but am planning to next year :D
oic..reading is good..
keep it up..
go for it!after that mybe u can do a part time job..sell and make order..
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